The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Gluten-Free Beef Jerky 

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Gluten-Free Beef Jerky 

 Are you in search for a tasty and healthy snack? If yes, then gluten free beef jerky is a perfect edible item for all your craving. Enriched with protein this gluten-free version of beef jerky will become one of your favorite snacks.  For those of you who has been suffering from celiac disease or are gluten intolerant, the advantages of gluten-free jerky will help you lead a healthy lifestyle.   

In this blog, we will be discussing more about why consuming gluten free beef jerky can be advantageous to our body in the long run.   

Is Beef Jerky Gluten Free?   

Many beef jerky consumers have this question running whether there is a gluten free beef jerky or not? The answer is – YES.   

Beef jerky is made by drying beef slices and adding spices for flavors. As the primary content is beef most people assume that all the beef jerky will be gluten free. But the gluten content in beef jerky comes from marinating sauces that are used while preparing.   

The most commonly used ingredient in beef jerky is soy sauce that contains wheat and other additives which have gluten in them. Those on a strict gluten-free diet, a simple beef jerky might not be something to lean towards.   

How To Examine the Best Gluten-Free Beef Jerky?  

Here are a few tips that you can opt to make sure is beef jerky gluten free or not:  

Examine Certifications and Labels:  

Pick up for products which are labeled “Gluten-Free” and have been certified by reputed Gluten-free Certification Organization (GFCO). These products have been rigorously tested to ensure that they meet the standards before being labelled as gluten free.   

Check out the Ingredient List:   

Closely look at all the ingredients that are used to make the gluten free beef jerky. Items like malted barley, wheat-based additives and soy sauce have gluten in them. So, make sure to avoid a jerky which has these items in them. Rather look for beef jerky which are made from apple cider vinegar or gluten-free tamari soy sauce.  

Find Reviews and Ratings:  

Go through reviews on the website to find firsthand experiences from consumers. This will help you to make the best choice.   

Pick Organic and Natural Options:  

Few natural and organic options require fewer additives and more wholesome ingredients.   

Best Soy-Free Beef Jerky Recipe  

If soy sauce and other additives are something you want to stay away from, then this soy free beef jerky recipe is a must-try:  


  • 2.5 pounds bison or wild game trimmed very lean beef.  
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar  
  • 2 tablespoons salt  
  • Half cup coconut aminos  
  • ¼ cup coconut sugar  
  • 2-inch piece peeled and thinly sliced ginger  
  • 2 tablespoons of gluten-free liquid smoke  


  1. Put together apple cider vinegar, liquid smoke, salt, ginger, coconut aminos and sugar in a large container with a tight lid.  
  2. Close it and shake it until most of the salt and sugar is dissolved. Keep it aside.   
  3. Slice down the meat.   
  4. After this add the beef in the mixture, seal it and then refrigerate it for 6-8 hours. Keep turning it once or twice.   
  5. Start preheating the dehydrator. Keep it to the highest setting.   
  6. Drain off the mixture and dump the ginger slices. Put the meat on the dehydrator tray.   
  7. Dehydrate the meat for 4-6 hours at 165 F in the dehydrator.   
  8. Once the process is completed, test the jerky for dryness by allowing it to cool to room temperature. If the meat does not break or crack when bent, then it means the jerky is ready. After making a batch or two of it, you will get a hang of it.   
  9. Store it in an airtight container and enjoy it within a week or two.   


Gluten-free beef jerky is an excellent snack option for those seeking a healthy, protein-rich treat without compromising dietary restrictions. Understanding the ingredients, certifications, and preparation methods is essential to ensuring your jerky is genuinely gluten-free. By examining product labels, avoiding gluten-containing additives like soy sauce, and exploring organic options, you can find or create a jerky that aligns with your health needs.  

For those avoiding soy altogether, you can try the above-mentioned soy-free recipe or other gluten free beef jerky recipe to make a delicious and healthy snack. With proper care and selection, gluten-free beef jerky can become a go-to snack for maintaining a healthy, gluten-free lifestyle.  

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